Saturday, January 19, 2008


Gather around, as it now is story time.

Small Town, USA.
A little after 2 AM.
22 Years ago.

A man, 31 years old. with a son at home, aged two. Remember him, as he'll be very important. Maybe not in this particular chapter, but in the rest of this story, he plays a major part.

But anyway, a man, 31 years old. Stumbling out of a bar after last call. Into a snowbank he falls. With a woman not his wife. His loving wife, back at home, waiting with baited breath for her husband to return. His eager son, in and out of a restless slumber, also waits.

The husband, father, will never come home. Who is responsible for this? A neighborhood tough looking to rough someone up? A  drunk driver? No, you see, for it was only his own fault. For no one took his life, but he took the life of another.

He knew that he could no longer keep up the charade of both a wife and a mistress, so he did what any junkie/drunk would do. He took care of the problem.
He prematurely ended the PHYSICAL life of his mistress,  and the EMOTIONAL life 
of his wife and son, who's cries and tears were soon replaced with the wailing crescendo of police sirens.

13 years later, this man ended his physical life via noose. He was alone. He was buried on a Saturday.

What is the most heart breaking thing about this sob-story? Its not how people die, but rather, how they live. The populous needs a wake-up call. So many waste their meager lives, and before they realize it enough to change themselves, its too late. Their lives end, or are taken from them, prematurely. Our goal is to cause mass realization. Those who desire change shall do so, and be save. Be better. Those who resist shall become martyr's for a fruitless cause.

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